Update LA

Good day to all of you reading this article. While I didn’t plan on publishing a post this week, I cannot turn a blind eye to the actions that have transpired over the last couple of weeks.   

February 25th The New York Times published an article which followed reports of two French Bulldogs being taken, while one victim was left in critical condition. The dogs are said to belong to the singer Lady Gaga [1].

March 4th, KTLA reports on a shooting that took place at the restaurant Il Pastaio in Bevely Hills. According to the local news, the shooting was the result of a robbery. The item in question, a Richard Mille watch reportedly valued at $450,000 [2].  

My reason for posting today is not to point fingers and put the blame on any one person for the incidents that occurred in Los Angeles. Today, I want all of you who read this article to remember that safety is not promised and should not be taken for granted. Enjoy the time that you do have and let those around you know that you value them. Be cautious. Danger has a way of showing up when you least expect it.

For any executive protection professionals reading this, I remind you of the business which we are in. As professionals, we know that we take on a certain level of risk with every client. What may not always be known, is the scope of the project which we are taking on. Executive protection professionals serve to protect an entity. The entity can be more than one person. At times, the entity is a physical location and the patrons, while other times it consists of a person and their entourage. Communicate with your clients and make sure that the scope is always clearly defined. Making sure that the client knows what they need, ensures that we do our job as accurately as possible.

Be safe, always.


Mark Groce
CEO of Cherub Executive Services